I manage to compile an OSX version of the library. I use the 10.6 SDK to package the library. You can download the sample application below. I place it temporarily in a code folder.
This is the Processing source code for the example.
import processing.video.*; import pSmile.PSmile; Capture cap; PSmile smile; PImage img2; float res, factor; PFont font; int w, h; void setup() { size(640,480); w = width/2; h = height/2; background(0); cap = new Capture(this, width, height, Capture.list()[1], 25); img2 = createImage(w,h,ARGB); smile = new PSmile(this,w,h); res = 0.0; factor = 0.0; font = loadFont("SansSerif.plain-16.vlw"); textFont(font,16); textAlign(CENTER); noStroke(); fill(255,200,0); rectMode(CORNER); } void draw() { img2.copy(cap,0,0,width,height,0,0,w,h); img2.updatePixels(); image(cap,0,0); res = smile.getSmile(img2); if (res>0) { factor = factor*0.8 + res*0.2; float t_h = factor*30; rect(width/2-20,height-t_h-30,40,t_h); } String str = nf(res,1,4); text(str,width/2,height-10); } void captureEvent(Capture _c) { _c.read(); } |