This is my first trial run of a Neurosky MindWave sensor with a custom program written in Processing. The connection architecture is quite straight forward. The ThinkGear connector is a background process that reads from the IR serial port to obtain the brainwave signals and distributes them through a TCP socket server (localhost with port 13854).
There are a number of Java socket clients implementation. I use the ThinkGear Java library from Creation.
Eric Blue has another Processing based visualizer using the MindWave.
ZeroShore has another implementation with an animation called HyperCat.
Sample Code
import*; import neurosky.*; import org.json.*; ThinkGearSocket neuroSocket; int attention = 0; int meditation = 0; int blinkSt = 0; PFont font; int blink = 0; Capture cap; void setup() { size(640, 480); ThinkGearSocket neuroSocket = new ThinkGearSocket(this); try { neuroSocket.start(); } catch (ConnectException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } smooth(); font = loadFont("MyriadPro-Regular-24.vlw"); textFont(font); frameRate(25); cap = new Capture(this, width, height); noStroke(); } void draw() { background(0); image(cap, 0, 0); fill(255, 255, 0); text("Attention: "+attention, 20, 150); fill(255, 255, 0, 160); rect(200, 130, attention*3, 40); fill(255, 255, 0); text("Meditation: "+meditation, 20, 250); fill(255, 255, 0, 160); rect(200, 230, meditation*3, 40); if (blink>0) { fill(255, 255, 0); text("Blink: " + blinkSt, 20, 350); if (blink>15) { blink = 0; } else { blink++; } } } void captureEvent(Capture _c) {; } void attentionEvent(int attentionLevel) { attention = attentionLevel; } void meditationEvent(int meditationLevel) { meditation = meditationLevel; } void blinkEvent(int blinkStrength) { blinkSt = blinkStrength; blink = 1; } void stop() { neuroSocket.stop(); super.stop(); } |