To simplify the use of a dynamic mask with image, I try to use the PGraphics class as an off screen buffer to store the image for a subsequent mask operation. The foreground image is the live video input from the webcam. The mouse drag operation will draw a dynamic mask to reveal the webcam image. It makes use of the fact that the PGraphics class is a subclass of PImage. The mask function can directly take the PGraphics instance as input. Here is a sample screen shot.
import*; PGraphics pg; Capture cap; void setup() { size(640, 480); cap = new Capture(this, width, height); cap.start(); pg = createGraphics(width, height); pg.beginDraw(); pg.background(0); pg.smooth(); pg.noStroke(); pg.fill(255); pg.endDraw(); } void draw() { if (!cap.available()) return;; background(0); pg.beginDraw(); if (mousePressed) pg.ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 40, 40); pg.endDraw(); cap.mask(pg); image(cap, 0, 0); } |