Updated release of the PKinect library

Finally, I updated the original PKinect Processing library for the Microsoft Kinect camera with the latest Kinect for Windows SDK 1.8 and built with Java JRE 1.7 update 51. It was tested in the latest Processing version 2.1.1.

The testing library can be temporarily downloaded here. Place the code folder into your Processing sketch folder. The latest sources will be released in Github soon.


OpenCV Motion Template Example in Processing

The following example ported the original OpenCV motion template sample code in C to Java/Processing. The original source is the motempl.c file in the OpenCV distribution.

The program started using the default video capture device and passed it to the class Motion. It employed the accumulated difference images to segment into different motion regions, delivered back with a list of rectangles, indicating where the motion components are. It then returned to the Processing main program with an ArrayList of the class Result.

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