This is the initial experiment with the use of GridFlow in PureData. I try to integrate the webcam image first from GridFlow to Pd with Gem (a graphical library for PureData) and then the other way round.
TuioPad and Pure Data
It is a very simple experiment with the free iPhone app tuiopad.
The app routes the multitouch information from the iPhone to a host through the open sound control communication protocol. I send the TUIO multitouch signals to a host running a Pure Data patch to display the co-ordinate in a GEM window.
The Pd patch
There are other commercial products with more sophisticated features: OSCemote and TouchOSC.
It is a floating ball
It is a proof of concept work. I use a PureData patch to control an Arduino board with PWM output to drive a small computer fan. The load is managed by a ULN2803A IC. The blowing power is not linearly proportional to the numerical value sent from PureData. It is quite difficult to sustain a floating position in the middle of the air.